100 Wise Status For Whatsapp In English
Are you looking for some Wise Status that you can put on your WhatsApp? So for this you have chosen the right website, here you will get many Wise Quotes , which you can apply this Wise Status to your WhatsApp status. If you want, you can also apply these Wise Whatsapp Status In English on your Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Sharechat account. Nowadays a few new social media sites are also getting popularity like Snapchat and few others are also out there.
- Time is precious, waste it wisely.
- Why do wise people never make wisecracks?
- The only disability in life is a bad attitude.
- A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle.
- Live life to the fullest, and focus on the positive.
- Cheer up, tomorrow will be a better day, just believe!
- Never stop learning, because life never stops teaching.
- Everyday is a gift, that’s why they call it the present.
- Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.
- To be old and wise , you must have first have to young and stupid.
Wise Status
This is a collection of Wise Status About Life You Can Share These Wise Status About Life On Your Whatsapp, Facebook Or any other social media, where ever you like to share.
Life is a festival only to the wise.
Great things never come from comfort zones.
Behind every mistake there is always a lesson.
When you teach your son, you teach your son’s son.
Everything has its beauty, but not everyone sees it.
From the errors of others a wise man corrects his own.
The greatest barrier to success is the fear of failure.
People who gossip with you, most likely gossip about you.
The mind is like a parachute. It doesn’t work unless it’s open.
There are three constants in life…change, choice and principles.
Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced.
The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams.
When the past calls, let it go to voice mail. It’s got nothing new to say.
The tongue is a sword or a magic wand, it can cut and kill or love and heal.
I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life and that is why I succeed.
Wise Whatsapp Status
This is a collection of Wise Status In English You Can Share These Wise Status In English On Your Whatsapp, Facebook Or any other social media, where ever you like to share.
Success depends on where intention is.
Imagination is more important than knowledge.
There is more to life than increasing its speed.
Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.
Don’t be a fake. Because everyone likes the original.
Only the wisest and the stupidest of men never change.
Each person must live their life as a model for others.
Best way to deal with haters, Keep calm, and stay classy.
Don’t take life too seriously. You’ll never get out of it alive.
Extraordinary: it is the ‘Extra’ that makes us more than ordinary.
We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.
Win as if you were used to it, lose as if you enjoyed it for a change.
The best way to succeed in life is to act on the advice we give to others.
Believe that life is worth living and your belief will help create the fact.
Learn to appreciate what you have, before time makes you appreciate what you had.
Wise Status About Life
This is a collection of Wise Fb Status You Can Share These Wise Fb Status On Your Whatsapp, Facebook Or any other social media, where ever you like to share.
Beauty is power; a smile is its sword.
The more you know, the less you need to show.
He who has a why to live can bear almost any how.
Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom.
If others are jealous, you are doing something right.
Right or Wrong doesn’t exist When you have CONFIDENCE.
Always laugh when you can. It is cheaper than medicine.
Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much.
Extraordinary: it is the ‘extra’ that make us more than ordinary.
Even if a snake is not poisonous, it should pretend to be venomous.
All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better.
Like your body your mind also gets tired so refresh it by wise sayings.
In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.
Don’t let your victories go to your head, or your failures go to your heart.
Life is ten percent what happens to you and ninety percent how you respond to it.
Wise Status In English
This is a collection of Wise Status For Facebook You Can Share These Wise Status For Facebook On Your Whatsapp, Facebook Or any other social media, where ever you like to share.
It is better to learn late than never.
Life is a daring adventure or nothing at all.
Dont talk if you dont have any good thing to say!
Got to have big hopes before you capture your dreams.
Never look back unless you are planning to go that way.
A person who never makes mistakes never makes anything.
As soon as the fear approaches near, attack and destroy it.
Accept that you have lost, but never accept that you have failed.
No matter how difficult your trials, you must persevere to the end.
The biggest mistake you’ll ever make, are the risks you didn’t take.
Sometimes the right one for you is the one who was there the whole time.
Respect old people: they graduated high school without Google or Wikipedia!
A word to the wise ain’t necessary, it’s the stupid ones who need the advice.
More people would learn from their mistakes if they weren’t so busy denying them.
Wise Fb Status
This is a collection of Wise Fb Status You Can Share These Wise Fb Status On Your Whatsapp, Facebook Or any other social media, where ever you like to share.
The wise are wise only because they love.
Live each day as if your life had just begun.
The wise does at once what the fool does at last.
We all need mirrors to remind ourselves who we are.
Life is a lesson you’ll learn it when you’re through.
Believe Half of what you see And None of what you hear.
Losing an illusion makes you wiser than finding a truth.
He who knows others, is learned. He who knows himself is wise.
An educated man is one who knows a lot and says nothing about it.
Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.
When the character of a man is not clear to you, look at his friends.
Hope is the power that gives a person the confidence to step out and try.
Don’t waste your time on a guy that isn’t willing to waste his time on you.
It takes a strong person to say sorry and an even stronger person to forgive.
Dreams can be real if you see them through your heart and not through your brain.
Wise Status For Facebook
This is a collection of Wise Status For Facebook You Can Share These Wise Status For Facebook On Your Whatsapp, Facebook Or any other social media, where ever you like to share.
Life doesn’t give you what you want. It gives you what you work for.
Success doesn’t just come and find you, you have to go out and get it.
If past is written with memories of regret & sorrows. Then close the book.
A fool thinks himself to be wise, but a wise man knows himself to be a fool.
Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?
Life is not about how fast you run or how high you climb, but how well you bounce.
Don`t run from your fears, when they catch up with you, you`ll be too tired to fight.
All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism.
Don’t let yourself be controlled by these three things: your past, people, and money.
Once you say you’re going to settle for second, that’s what happens to you in life.
A female can be your best friend and worst enemy. It all depends on how you treat her.
If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough.
Be smart enough to know when to stay & be wise enough to know when it’s time to leave.
In the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years.
God gave us the gift of life; it is up to us to give ourselves the gift of living well.